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Current Result Document : 2 / 3

ÇѱÛÁ¦¸ñ(Korean Title) º¼·ý ·»´õ¸µ¿¡¼­ »ê¶õÀÚ ÅÛÇø´À» ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ÀçÁúº° »ê¶õ±¤ Ç¥Çö
¿µ¹®Á¦¸ñ(English Title) Scattered Light Representation in Accordance with the Material Using Scatterer Template in Volume Rendering
ÀúÀÚ(Author) À̺´ÁØ   ±Ç±¸ÁÖ   ½Åº´¼®   Byeong-Joon Lee   Koojoo Kwon   Byeong-Seok Shin  
¿ø¹®¼ö·Ïó(Citation) VOL 05 NO. 12 PP. 0677 ~ 0684 (2016. 12)
(Korean Abstract)
»ç½ÇÀûÀÎ º¼·ý ·»´õ¸µÀ» À§Çؼ­´Â À½¿µÃ³¸® »Ó¸¸ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó Á¶¸í È¿°ú¸¦ °è»êÇÏ´Â °ÍÀÌ ÇʼöÀûÀÌ´Ù. ³ôÀº Ç°ÁúÀÇ °á°ú¿µ»óÀ» ¸¸µé¾î³»±â À§Çؼ­´Â Àü¿ª Á¶¸íÀ» Ç¥ÇöÇÒ ÇÊ¿ä°¡ Àִµ¥, ºûÀÇ Á÷Á¢ÀûÀÎ ¿µÇâ°ú »ê¶õ¿¡ µû¸¥ °£Á¢ÀûÀÎ ¿µÇâÀ» °í·ÁÇØ¾ß ÇÑ´Ù. ÀÌ·¯ÇÑ ¿¬»êÀ» ¼öÇàÇϱâ À§Çؼ­´Â ¸¹Àº ÀÚ¿øÀÌ ÇÊ¿äÇÏ°í, ƯÈ÷ º¼·ý µ¥ÀÌÅÍó·³ ´ë¿ë·®ÀÇ µ¥ÀÌÅÍ·Î ·»´õ¸µ ÇÒ ¶§´Â ¸Å¿ì ¸¹Àº ºñ¿ëÀÌ ¼Ò¸ðµÈ´Ù. º» ³í¹®¿¡¼­´Â °¢ ÀçÁú¿¡ ´ëÇØ ¹°¸®Àû ¹ýÄ¢¿¡ µû¸¥ »ê¶õÀÚ ÅÛÇø´À» »ý¼ºÇÑ´Ù. °¢ ¹°Ã¼µéÀÌ °¡Áö´Â ÀçÁú Ư¼ºÀ» °í·ÁÇÏ¿© ·¥¹öÆ® Á¶¸í ¸ðµ¨À» ±â¹ÝÀ¸·Î ÅÛÇø´ÀÇ ±¤ÀÚµéÀ» ÀúÀåÇÑ´Ù. º» ³í¹®¿¡¼­ º¼·ý ·»´õ¸µÀ» ÇÒ ¶§, º¼·ý ³»ºÎ¿¡¼­ »ùÇøµ µÇ´Â º¹¼¿À» ±âÁØÀ¸·Î ÅÛÇø´¿¡ ÀúÀåµÈ ±¤ÀÚ¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇØ Â÷Æó¸¦ °Ë»çÇÏ°í, »ê¶õ¿¡ µû¸¥ Àü¿ª Á¶¸íÀ» Ç¥ÇöÇÑ´Ù. ÀçÁúº°·Î ÅÛÇø´À» »ý¼ºÇϱ⠶§¹®¿¡ ¸Å¿ì º¹ÀâÇÑ ¹°Áúµé·Î ±¸¼ºµÈ °Í¸¸ ¾Æ´Ï¶ó¸é ÀûÀº ÀÚ¿øÀ» ÇÊ¿ä·Î Çϸç, °£´ÜÇÑ ¿¬»êÀ» ÅëÇØ ÀûÀº ºñ¿ëÀ¸·Î º¼·ý ³»ºÎÀÇ »ê¶õÀ» Ç¥ÇöÇÒ ¼ö ÀÖ´Ù.
(English Abstract)
For realistic rendering volume to calculate the light effects as well as the shade is essential. In order to produce the high quality of the resulting image, it is necessary to represent a global illumination, and it should be considered an indirect effect of the direct impact and scattering of light. It requires a lot of resources in order to perform this operation and, in particular, is very expensive when large amounts of data to be rendered as a volume data is consumed. In this paper, we generate a scatterer template according to the physical laws for each material. Considering that each object having material property stores photons of the template based on the Lambert illumination model. When the volume rendering in this paper, using the photon is stored in the template, based on the voxel to be sampled within the examination volume occluded, and it represents the global illumination of the scattering. Because the materials produced by the template requires a less resource only if comprised of a complex material, a simple operation can be expressed within the scattering volume at a low cost through.
Å°¿öµå(Keyword) º¼·ý ·»´õ¸µ   Àü¿ª Á¶¸í   »ê¶õ±¤   ¾Úºñ¾ðÆ® ¿ÀŬ·çÁ¯   ±¤¼± Åõ»ç¹ý   ÀçÁú Ç¥Çö   Volume Rendering   Global Illumination   Volume Scattering   Ambient Occlusion   Ray-Casting   Material Representation  
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