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Current Result Document : 8 / 9

ÇѱÛÁ¦¸ñ(Korean Title) QR Äڵ带 ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ÀÇ·áÁ¤º¸ ½Ã½ºÅÛ ¼³°è ¹× ±¸Çö
¿µ¹®Á¦¸ñ(English Title) Design and Implementation of Medical Information System using QR Code
ÀúÀÚ(Author) À̼º±Ç   Á¤Ã¢¿ø   ÁÖ¼öÁ¾   Sung-Gwon Lee   Chang-Won Jeong   Su-Chong Joo  
¿ø¹®¼ö·Ïó(Citation) VOL 16 NO. 02 PP. 0109 ~ 0115 (2015. 04)
(Korean Abstract)
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(English Abstract)

The new medical device technologies for bio-signal information and medical information which developed in various forms have been increasing. Information gathering techniques and the increasing of the bio-signal information device are being used as the main information of the medical service in everyday life. Hence, there is increasing in utilization of the various bio-signals, but it has a problem that does not account for security reasons. Furthermore, the medical image information and bio-signal of the patient in medical field is generated by the individual device, that make the situation cannot be managed and integrated. In order to solve that problem, in this paper we integrated the QR code signal associated with the medial image information including the finding of the doctor and the bio-signal information. bio-signal. System implementation environment for medical imaging devices and bio-signal acquisition was configured through bio-signal measurement, smart device and PC. For the ROI extraction of bio-signal and the receiving of image information that transfer from the medical equipment or bio-signal measurement, .NET Framework was used to operate the QR server module on Window Server 2008 operating system. The main function of the QR server module is to parse the DICOM file generated from the medical imaging device and extract the identified ROI information to store and manage in the database. Additionally, EMR, patient health information such as OCS, extracted ROI information needed for basic information and emergency situation is managed by QR code. QR code and ROI management and the bio-signal information file also store and manage depending on the size of receiving the bio-singnal information case with a PID (patient identification) to be used by the bio-signal device. If the receiving of information is not less than the maximum size to be converted into a QR code, the QR code and the URL information can access the bio-signal information through the server. Likewise, .Net Framework is installed to provide the information in the form of the QR code, so the client can check and find the relevant information through PC and android-based smart device. Finally, the existing medical imaging information, bio-signal information and the health information of the patient are integrated over the result of executing the application service in order to provide a medical information service which is suitable in medical field.
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