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Current Result Document : 5 / 5

ÇѱÛÁ¦¸ñ(Korean Title) ±×·ìÀÇ °øÁ¸-Áö¼Ó½Ã°£ ¿¹Ãø¸ðµ¨ ±â¹ÝÀÇ ¿¡³ÊÁö È¿À²Àû Çù¾÷ ¼¾½Ì ±â¹ý
¿µ¹®Á¦¸ñ(English Title) ECOS: Energy-Efficient Collaborative Sensing Scheme based on Copresence-Duration Prediction Model
ÀúÀÚ(Author) ±èÅÂÈÆ   ÀÌ´ë±Ô   Çö¼øÁÖ   Taehun Kim   Daegyu Lee   Soon J. Hyun  
¿ø¹®¼ö·Ïó(Citation) VOL 39 NO. 12 PP. 0980 ~ 0987 (2012. 12)
(Korean Abstract)
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(English Abstract)
The proliferation of online social networking services and the ubiquity of smart mobile devices give users chances to have social collaborative interactions. However, an energy constraint of mobile devices hinders users from enjoying these interactions due to a huge drain on battery of energy-intensive sensing application such as location-based services. In order to liberate users from anxiety by the energy consumption of resource-limited mobile devices involved in collaborative process, we approach the problem by introducing a collaborative sensing among opportunistic encounters. To consider important semantic features for a collaborative group such as a degree of copresence and duration among people, we analyze users¡¯ group behavior from real Bluetooth-based proximity data so that we found out key insights that the copresence count among the people had a major influence on duration closely related with energy-efficiency. From this observation, we devise the copresence-duration prediction model (CDPM) and design energy-efficient collaborative sensing framework (ECOS) which identifies group members for collaborative sensing. Finally, through the theoretical evaluation of our ECOS, we show that a group having copresence count more than 20 times among 3 people with ECOS would save about 23% energy than ones without ECOS.

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